Syllabus: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – Theory and Practice
Course code: NMN003F
The course syllabus was approved by the Faculty of Science’s Study Programmes Board on 25 May 2022. The course is based on the Association of Swedish Higher Education’s (SUHF) framework for qualifying training in teaching and learning in higher education and is conducted by the faculty’s teaching support unit, PLUS. The course corresponds to three weeks of work and comprises the equivalent amount of qualifying training in teaching and learning in higher education, which translates to 4.5 credits.
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce participants to basic approaches in higher education teaching and learning, and thus provide a pedagogical foundation on which to build. The overall goal is to
increase the participants’ ability to make well-founded teaching decisions that benefit the students’ learning.
Knowledge and understanding
On completion of the course, the student shall be able to:
- Describe and explain fundamental concepts of teaching and learning in higher education with particular focus on science studies.
- Account for national and local rules and regulations of relevance for higher education.
Competence and skills
On completion of the course, the student shall be able to:
- Discuss and problematise students’ learning in science as a field of knowledge based on theories in teaching and learning in higher education.
- Analyse learning outcomes, content, learning activities and forms of assessment, with focus on the students’ learning.
- Plan a teaching session in their own field of knowledge based on relevant theory and focusing on the students’ learning.
- Plan the use of physical and digital learning environments for the benefit of the students’ learning.
- Plan to ensure that the students are approached in an inclusive manner.
- Present in a group, in writing and orally, a project that is relevant to the course content and anchored in scientific literature.
- Individually present their specific contribution to a group project.
- Peer review others’ course assignments and projects in a constructive manner.
Judgement and approach
On completion of the course, the student shall be able to:
- Reflect on their teaching role and relationship to students as well as examine and reflect on their own development in their role as lecturer, all based on their specific teaching situation.
Course content
The course is based on research and literature in higher education teaching and learning, as well as on relevant policies. The following overall themes are addressed during the course:
- Learning in higher education
- Teaching role
- Learning outcomes, forms of teaching and assessment
- Laws and regulations
- Physical and digital learning environments
- Equal opportunities, gender equality and diversity perspectives
- Reflective practice and development in the teaching role
Course design
Teaching is in the form of digital self-study components and scheduled face-to-face course sessions. The forms of teaching include:
- Lectures
- Discussions
- Seminars and workshops
- Individual planning of teaching components with digital elements
- Group project work
- Reflective assignments
Formative assessment is based on:
- A) Active participation in discussions
- B) Digital multiple-choice exercises
Summative assessment anchored in the learning outcomes is based on:
- C) Individual presentation of planned teaching components with digital elements
- D) Written and oral presentation of group project work
- E) Individual written reflection on own teaching and learning
- F) Giving formative feedback on others’ course assignments, points C–E above
Grading scale
The grades awarded are Fail and Pass. A passing grade on all assessed components is required for a grade of Pass on the course.
The course is conducted in English.
Entry requirements
The course is aimed at teaching staff and doctoral students with no previous training in teaching and learning.
Further information
Credits for this course cannot be counted together with credits for NAMN005 (an earlier version of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – Theory and Practice) and NMN002F (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – Theory and Practice (short version)).
Susanne Pelger
Educational developer
Contact information for Susanne Pelger –