Apply for grants and scholarships
On this webpage, we publish calls for research funding that come to the attention of the Faculty Office.
The faculty’s travel and research grants
Researchers, doctoral students, teaching staff members and others can now apply for the Faculty of Science’s travel and research grants. Please note that if you are a doctoral student, you need to enclose a supervisor’s certificate with your application.
The application deadline is 18 September.
Apply for the faculty’s travel and research grants (
All staff can apply for funding for professional development in Europe
As an employee at the University, you can apply for funds from the Erasmus+ programme for purposes such as training, workshops, staff weeks and job shadowing in Europe. Applications can be made throughout the year.
Professional development via Erasmus+ (
Time onboard a vessel for marine research
Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research (SWERVE) has published a call for applications for time on board one of the Swedish research vessels.
The application deadline is 13 October.
Apply for ship time (
Grants for research institute doctoral students
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has published a call for applications for grants for research and third-cycle education for a doctoral student employed at a research institute that collaborates with academia.
The application deadline is 29 November.
Grants for research institute doctoral students (
Postdoc programme in imaging of biological material
Researchers in fields such as physics, biology and chemistry can now apply to a postdoc programme within AMBER (Advanced Multiscale Biological imaging using European Research infrastructures), an EU-funded project. The project is coordinated by the LINXS Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science in Lund.
The application deadline is 6 September.
Apply to the postdoc programme AMBER (
Seed money to test new ideas
The Royal Physiographic Society announces the Horizon grant, which is aimed at researchers who want to explore cross-disciplinary and foundational ideas.
The application deadline is 16 September.
Apply for the Horizon grant (
Funding to organise Nobel Symposia 2026
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences invites applications for funding to organise Nobel Symposia in the fields of physics, chemistry, economic sciences, literature, physiology or medicine.
The application deadline is 11 October.
Apply to organise a Nobel symposium (
Seed money to develop courses, programmes and COILs
Teachers can now apply for the University's seed money to develop courses, programmes and COILs (Collaborative Online International Learning) in collaboration with partner universities of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH).
The application deadline is 15 October.
Apply for seed money to develop courses, programmes and COILs (
EU funding for innovative projects
The European Innovation Council is inviting applications for EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2024, which funds innovative projects in five different areas. Contact Research Services (forskningsservice [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se) if you need assistance or guidance.
The application deadline is 16 October.
EIC Pathfinder Challenges on the Research Services blog
Apply for funding for a temporary change of research environment
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has announced funding for those who wish to conduct research in another sector for a period of 4 to 12 months.
The application deadline is 10 September.
Apply for funding for a temporary change of research environment (
Nominate candidates to Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2025
It’s time to nominate candidates to Wallenberg Academy Fellows. Nominations must be made in accordance with the instructions in Lund University's management rules and sent to Tobias Nilsson at the faculty office (tobias [dot] nilsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se) no later than 11 September.
Please note:
- The university's management rules refer to coordination with an excellence initiative for young researchers with a focus on Wallenberg Academy Fellows. The Faculty of Science is not part of the excellence program, so please disregard it.
- The head of department must endorse the letter of justification that is to be sent with each nomination (see bullet point 2 on page 6 in the management rules). The head of department must also sign the co-financing certificate (see bullet point 6 on page 7 in the management rules).
- The checklist (see bullet point 1 on page 6 in the management rules) is managed by the faculty office, so please disregard it.
- Strong external candidates are desirable as at least 50 percent of the faculty's, and ultimately the university's, nominations must be external.
The faculty's research board will assess the received proposals and rank the candidates that will ultimately be submitted to Research Services.
Procedure, CV and co-funding certificate:
Funding international collaborations and mobility
As an employee of Lund University, you have many opportunities to receive funding from different programmes if you work, or plan to work, abroad.