Evaluation of ongoing study programmes and courses
Quality assurance of education is achieved through a continuous and systematic process consisting of the following main parts:
- Cooperation, coordination and support
- Assessment areas, quality criteria and strategic goals
- Evaluation in a six-year perspective
Cooperation, coordination and support
Cooperation on quality assurance work takes place within the faculty’s departments, boards, committees and administrative support.
The faculty’s study programmes board coordinates the quality assurance work and takes initiatives on quality development concerning the conditions, design, implementation and results of the study programmes. The board works to promote equal opportunities, internationalisation, sustainable development and widening participation in education. The board also monitors compliance with regulations in the study programmes and works to enable student influence.
In order to conduct quality assurance work effectively, the study programmes board has appointed a quality group with four directors of studies/lecturers from the faculty’s departments, an officer at the faculty office and the vice dean for first cycle education. The quality group has a supporting function and works to canvass for quality assurance work at the department level and to guarantee quality assurance work on the study programmes.
Assessment areas, quality criteria and strategic goals
The evaluation of the faculty’s educational quality within first and second cycle programmes takes place within a total of six assessment areas:
- Governance and organisation
- Conditions
- Design, implementation and results
- Perspectives in education
- Student perspectives
- Working life and external engagement
Evaluation in a six-year perspective
The work on evaluating the quality of the study programmes is conducted in a six-year perspective. The current six-year period is 2019–2024. The work is conducted according to the following procedure:
- Annual organisational discussions
- Formulation of development plans
- Implementation of development projects
- Implementation of partial evaluations (evaluations by assessment area)
- Implementation of main evaluations (study programme-specific evaluations)
Organisational discussions are conducted annually whereas development plans, development projects and partial evaluations take place continuously. The main programme-specific evaluations will be done in 2023.
Annual organisational discussions and development plans (internal faculty evaluation)
The annual organisational discussions between the faculty management, each departmental management and the student unions form the hub of the follow-up and evaluation of the quality of the study programmes, as well as the quality assurance work in general.
The discussions are based on a number of issues and focus areas and cover elements of both evaluation and follow-up of the quality of study programmes. In view of the part that deals with evaluation, the departments compile self-evaluations and/or other documentation concerning the quality of study programmes. The results of the organisational discussions are reported to the faculty’s study programmes board and to the faculty board.
The Lund University Science Students’ Union (LUNA) organises part of the organisational discussions independently and the issues they discuss are based on the student union’s plan of activities as well as the list of rights of students at Lund University.
Annual organisational discussions – the faculty’s internal follow up
Development projects
Faculty-wide development projects are and should be of interest to the majority of the faculty’s departments and can be made more efficient through coordination between study programmes. The projects can, for example, concern educational development, administrative support, compliance with regulations or surveys. The project plans are approved by and continuously reported to the study programmes board and the faculty management. The faculty office coordinates the ongoing work.
Partial evaluations (evaluations by assessment area)
During the first part of the period 2019–2024, partial evaluations will be carried out within particular assessment areas. The evaluations are usually conducted by external reviewers and subject experts and are to have an advisory and development-oriented function.
Main evaluations (external study programme-specific evaluations)
In 2023 each degree programme at the faculty is to undergo a main evaluation by external reviewers. The appointment of assessment panels and guidelines for their work are to be decided by the faculty board. The main evaluations are to have an advisory and development-oriented function.
The evaluations are to be based on the departments’ self-evaluations and to focus on the assessment areas of the study environment, the attainment of learning outcomes, work life and external engagement.
The faculty’s degree programmes are organised into eight subject groups. The main evaluations within a single subject group are conducted simultaneously.
Main evaluations (external study programme-specific evaluations)
Ina Alexanderson
Programmes director
Contact information for Ina Alexanderson – medarbetarwebben.lu.se
Amanda Areblad
Education coordinator
Contact information for Amanda Areblad – staff.lu.se